We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions for your convenience. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us at hello@rivetedphotography.com
Who will my photographer be?
We pride ourselves on being a husband and wife team. Therefore most of the time, we will both be there but depending on the package you choose it may just be Jannelle as she is the lead photographer. Kuiper, the chihuahua, may or may not be tagging along in the backpack depending on the shoot. Never for a wedding, he goes to camp.

There is very good chance you could see this guy.

This is Kent. The greatest assistant ever, photographer and Jonathan’s dad. He might be helping us with the wedding depending on size and what your package includes.
How do I reserve Jonathan & Jannelle for my date?
We require the signed contract and non-refundable retainer to reserve the date.
Have you shot at my venue before?
If your venue is in Colorado most likely we have. In the Contact Us form let us know your venue and we would be happy to send you access to client galleries from your venue if we have shot there before. That way you can see all the images from the wedding day. If we have not shot at the venue before, we arrive early enough to do a thorough walk-through for the best photography spots plus we do tons of research.
Do you deliver every image you shoot?
No we do not. During the wedding day we take many photos to ensure complete wedding day coverage. Many of those shots are candid, fun photos of family and friends celebrating in your love but they do not always yield the most flattering facial expressions. Since several images of the same moment were captured, we are able to provide you with quality images that show the happiness of the day while making sure the subject looks their best.

Finding this image out in the wild basically sums exactly why the answer is simply, “no”.
Do you provide the raw images from the engagement or wedding?
We believe in only delivering a final product to you and therefore we do not ever release raw files. We deliver all the high resolution fully edited images. This is the same for videography…no raw footage for any reason is released, only a final edited video.
Do you use a shot list?
We send you a packet to help you with planning your family formals. That is the only list we accept on the wedding day. We ask you for a family shot list so that you have already planned out who you want in formals and it ensures that no one is left out. If you have specific requests for groups outside of family formals like for your sorority/fraternity, etc. there is room for you to include that in the list as well. We are all about group shots and family!