In the serene backdrop of the Three Trees Chapel in Littleton, Colorado, Ansley and Blake’s elegant wedding invites hinted at their sophisticated taste. Soft blue tones and intricate script enhanced...
In the heart of Denver’s LODO district, Bridget and Shamus’ engagement session was a joyful celebration of their love. The playful heart designs and street art added a whimsical touch,...
Over the years, we have been blessed to have photographed thousands of people of all varieties. So many of our images have been favorites and bring back so many good...
Riveted Photography is your first choice for Cheyenne family portraits. Look here at some examples of our work and learn more about what to wear to your Cheyenne portrait session.
April and Eric had a fun Colorado Rockies themed wedding at Coors Field in Denver, Colorado which was the perfect way for us to kick off the wedding season. Winter...
A lovely afternoon in downtown Denver with Elly and Erik for their urban Denver engagement session. We went all over the the Mile High City, capturing fun moments. The Denver...
Riveted Blog is a record of awesome couples who tied-the-knot, endearing engagement sessions, our own love story, the best dog ever and of course renovating our 2003 Airstream Classic. Let the inspiration flow to make way for your dreams.